found himself|find himself in English

learned what his abilities were and how best to use them

Use "found himself|find himself" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "found himself|find himself" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "found himself|find himself", or refer to the context using the word "found himself|find himself" in the English Dictionary.

1. He found himself in a quandary.

2. He found the right niche for himself.

3. John found himself surrounded by insincere flattery.

4. He found himself in a sad pickle.

5. He found himself married a vulgar shrew.

6. Tom found himself something of a celebrity.

7. Only though hardships can he find himself.

8. At last, Richard's found himself a girlfriend - hallelujah!

9. He found himself opposed by his own deputy.

10. He found himself in a vast stagnant bog.

11. He found himself chattering away out of nervousness.

12. He found himself penniless in a strange city.

13. He found himself inventing such impressively nonsensical propositions.

14. 4 Peter often found himself surprised by Jesus.

15. He found himself married to a vulgar shrew.

16. He found himself stymied by an old opponent.

17. He found himself in a curiously paradoxical situation.

18. At one juncture he found himself thinking aloud.

19. Briggs found himself at odds with his colleagues.

20. Will found himself immediately surrounded by screaming fans.

21. He was annoyed to find himself going red.

22. A smart businessman may find himself in poverty.

23. He found himself homeless after his marriage broke up.

24. He found himself tending toward a jacket and tie.

25. He found himself snared in a web of intrigue.